Do I Scare You? - Anthony Quaid (Pop) Anthony Quaid is serving straight top 40 with latest single, “Do I Scare You?” Anthony’s queerness is fully centered on the track, as he confronts the homophobes and haters, letting them know that their criticism isn’t going to stop him from being who he is. The track has all the makings of a queer anthem, boasting a big production, memorable chorus and beautiful vocal layers. Further, you can tell the song is personal—Anthony delivers this message with his full chest, clearly stepping into his power and taking up space. While the sound is certainly centered in commercial pop, there’s also an almost country-pop feel to the track, maybe it’s Anthony’s vocal delivery, but something about this also feels very Americana, which is a great sonic atmosphere to use for a message typically delivered over clubby dance beats. That’s not to say we can’t hear like a hundred dance remixes of this one.
Best Lyric: “I don’t fucking care what you think when I’m dressing in pink.“