Melina Hazewood - Powerful

Powerful - Melina Hazewood (Pop) Melina Hazewood is here to remind us that we are powerful beyond measure in her latest track, “Powerful.”  Melina tells us that the song is inspired by powerful women role models of hers, and the song is “about the universal power of women [that] brings us all together to remind women of their worth and how unique they are.” Much in the way Christina Aguilera all those years ago told us that we were beautiful no matter what anyone else might say, Melina is here with a similar message not on our aesthetics, but on our inner strength.  With a strong and timeless vocal, Melina hits hard with some shining lyrical prowess as the keys twinkle and strings soar around her motivational message.  Driving and meaningful, as a record, “Powerful” lives up to its name.

Best Lyric:  “Our strength is eternal even after our funeral.”