Emily Nicole Green - Thief

Thief - Emily Nicole Green (Pop/Country) Emily Nicole Green stuns with new record “Thief” which is more than a breakup ballad, it’s a musical gut punch. We don’t say this lightly—this is an Adele worthy track. Or a Gaga “Joanne” era ballad. Emphatic and rousing, Emily’s vocals are as engaging as they are passionate and strong, leading the understated production of keys, live drums and heartstring pulling descending cello sweeps. Emily’s vocals definitely have that country influence, not necessarily a twang but there are moments in her vibrato and her articulation that give us a little Dolly, or maybe some Reba. And because the lyrics are so god damn powerful, we had to choose two below. You can tell it’s a personal track—it’s in the words, it’s in the performance. And for that, we can confidently say Emily stands toe to toe with the artists referenced herein. A stand out track.

Best Lyric: “You didn’t break me, only I can do that.” / “Guess you could be a good man who wasn’t good to me.”