Reno & Rome - Live Without You

Live Without You - Reno & Rome (Pop) Reno & Rome delivers a funk inspired groove with Live Without You—a certified bop with a late 80s/early 90s pop sensibility. That retro soundscape is particularly highlighted by the tinny guitar, which could trick a listener into believing the track is actually from back in the day. Not only radio friendly, we could also picture this track in the credit sequence of a John Hughes film. The production boasts a great blend of live instrumentation and modern FX tricks—the latter specifically highlighted in the distorted and pitch adjusted vocal that takes center stage in the driving bridge. The classic pop song structure is a welcome return, creating a feel good, all-ages track to spin you around on the dance floor. Sure, add this to your playlist, but we think you’re also going to want to hear this one live in concert.

Best Lyric: “This love is bittersweet, I got a sour taste but what can it be?”