MN Moder - Just Forget It

Just Forget It - MN Moder (R&B) In Just Forget It, MN Moder gives a big old “nevermind” to a potential love interest over an incredibly fresh R&B production. The general vibe of the song gives us a Jazmine Sullivan feel—we could hear her tackling a beat like this. It certainly has that “knock” you want as a dry percussion and kick perfectly compliment a swirling synth and key line, with even a pan flute showing up at the end to close out the track. The vocals are given the heavily compressed and tuned effect with what we think is a synth harmonizer that creates a unique sound for the vocalist that is just pure ear candy. When our rapper makes his appearance, he features with an easy flow that was giving us flashbacks to Jeezy features in the 00s. A classic R&B sensibility with a modern production makes MN Moder’s Just Forget It playlist gold.

Best Lyric: “Play the next man, never me though.”