Claire Reneé - Sadder Days

Sadder Days - Claire Reneé (R&B)  It’s a welcome return to classic R&B with Claire Reneé’s “Sadder Days”. The song has a unique point of view on a breakup, as the track is about being blindsided by an abrupt end to a relationship, a tale told with clever and memorable lyrics. When it comes to the sound, the best way to describe the track is mature, it’s definitely “grown folks” music. We even have a fade out! A FADE OUT! Claire’s voice is a beautiful instrument, centered on a vulnerable and intimate alto, with a tone that reminds us a lot of Tweet. The musicality is also very impressive, with a distortion on the keys that evoke the sense of rain drops, an image perfect for the cut. Bittersweet yet sultry, “Sadder Day” is a great soundtrack for a rainy day in bed.

Best Lyric: “Barefoot on the sidewalk, this happened so out of the blue.“