Necessary Outlet

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Antony Alexander - I Ain't Coming Back

I Ain’t Coming Back - Antony Alexander (EDM)  Antony Alexander’s latest track is an incredible feat of production—a well crafted EDM song geared not just for the club, but also for radio. From the sidechained pulse of the synths to the sparkling vocal delivery and well placed EQ fades, this track will certainly leave you spinning in circles and yearning for summertime, an outdoor happy hour and a vodka soda. The crystal clear vocals are giving us the lovechild of classic Robyn and Kylie Minogue, adding an appreciated retro feel to a very modern soundscape. And like all good pop/dance records, it’s telling a former love interest to get lost, which is a great way to connect to a very particular audience member who will put this jam on repeat and among their post-relationship playlist.

Best Lyric: “I ain’t coming back, there’s nothing left to say, we will never learn to work it out anyway.”

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