V of 40M - Martin Luther
Martin Luther - V OF 40M (Rap) The instrumentation of V of 40M’s new track, Martin Luther, is giving us a real 00s Eminem vibe, maybe even with a touch of Lil Kim’s La Bella Mafia album. While the percussion is expectedly hard hitting and top notch, paired perfectly with powerful bass and sub riffs, we think the driving force of Martin Luther’s sound is the string loop, which adds real weight and conflict to the track. V of 40M’s flow is patient and methodical, building with each verse in both speed of the flow and the artist’s emotional connection to the lyrics. V really chews each word, layered with distorted vocals containing a husky/smokey quality that is really great on the ears. In sum, Martin Luther is brooding, haunting, dangerous and undoubtedly replayable.
Best Lyric: “I’m punching anytime the wind blows.”